Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Exercising Freedom Correctly

There's lots of talk about "freedom" but very little talk about what that entails.  Pope St. John Paul II didn't mince words on the topic.

...John Paul II saw “the potential for the human person” to become great, and favored a free and democratic society with a basically free economy, or what he called “a business economy,” Phelan said, with a crucial role played by a strong moral culture.

The Church’s primary role isn’t to get into politics, but to form souls for the moral culture, Phelan said — which doesn’t mean the Church doesn’t have a moral role to play in society.

The nature of freedom is “not just the ability to choose . . . to be willful,” the Pope said, according to Phelan, who added that “two- and three-year-olds have the concept of freedom,” but that doesn’t mean they can just run all around the church building while their parents are trying to attend Mass.
John Paul II said, “Freedom must be tethered to truth…or it will self-destruct,” Phelan said. “. . . 

Freedom is for excellence. . . . Freedom is a virtue that must be exercised.”

"Truth" includes the fact (for example) that there are two biological sexes (sometimes called 'genders') and they are different in many ways.  "Truth" lies in moral laws and is the conformance of the intellect to the object.

Since it is intellectually impossible to see 'woman' and conform her to 'man' we can only conclude that those who do so are liars.  It may well be time to start calling them out as such--before Freedom self-destructs.


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