Monday, June 03, 2024

Zelenskiy Threatens Trump (!!)

Zelenskiy still thinks he is important, and has opinions about Trump which--strangely enough--parallel those of Biden/Obama and the Deep State.  In a way, that's another endorsement of Trump for President.

Donald Trump will be a 'loser president' and bring about an end to America's status as a global leader should he decide to end aid to Ukraine if he is elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky has declared.

The Ukrainian President took aim at Trump in a scathing interview last week in which he insisted his country 'would not put up with' any deals made between a Trump administration and Vladimir Putin that would see Kyiv sacrifice parts of the Donbas in return for peace.

And he said that any decision to cut off weapons and support to Ukraine would have dire consequences - not only for Trump personally, but also America's standing in the world and the influence it wields. ...

That pipsqueak zit is threatening Trump?

He and whose army?  Certainly not Ukraine's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

600k Christian men killed by Jewish Zionist Globalist Unelected Zelenskiy regime in Ukraine. The cream of Ukrainian youth who do not want to fight for the Jewish Zionist Genocidal Globalist centuries old vendetta against Russia and Christians in that part of the world. America has no National interest in this war.

and now the Ukrainian men who escaped to Ukraine to safety in Nato are being rounded up and sent back to Ukraine to die in this utterly pointless war because 600 k dead are not enough! Pass me some haggis and honey Meade to wash down this crap please