Sunday, June 02, 2024

"Old Bulls"? Nope. Old Mice

Davidson calls out the mice who pollute D.C.

...that divide in the Republican Party is very real — and now, very obvious. In the wake of Trump’s conviction Thursday, for example, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was submissively silent for most of the day....

 ...Other Republicans were not silent but should have been. Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, whose last notable action before leaving office was to veto a bill that would have protected children from transgender genital mutilation, issued a craven statement that seemed to accept the legitimacy of the trial and conviction: “It is not easy to see a former President and the presumptive GOP nominee convicted of felony crimes; but the jury verdict should be respected. An appeal is in order but let’s not diminish the significance of this verdict.”...

 ...neocon hack John Bolton said Trump’s conviction was a “fire-bell in the night,” and that Republicans should “change course” and “not nominate a convicted felon for President,”...

Mice.  Perfectly manicured, dressed by their butlers, provisioned by Certain Interests, and most likely compromised--with video on file--they should slink into retirement and hope that no one remembers what they have done.

But there is hope!

 I’m running for Congress to imprison as many Democrats as possible

Sabatini for Congress!!

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