Sunday, May 12, 2024

Pp. Franny1 Gets THIS Right

 Pope Francis wants to see more children being born.

Pope Francis lamented the West’s continued demographic decline, insisting on Friday that fewer children signals a lack of hope in the future.

Countering “outdated” myths of dangerous overpopulation, the pontiff contended that far from being a problem, human beings are the solution to the world’s difficulties....

Just like today's Climate Terror frauds, the Population Terror frauds dominate media and are wrong.

The most significant quote?

 ...The pope went on to relate a conversation with a demographer who told him that the highest income-generating investments are “weapons manufacturing and contraceptives.”...

The Military-Industrial Complex and Big Pharma.

Can you recognize patterns?


Anonymous said...

Every once in a while a blind pig gets an acorn! You know that!

I'm sure he will double down some where else and let his Jesuit credentials shine through!


Anonymous said...

Second time he is saying this?

Pope Francis again uses ‘faggotry’ slur in meeting discussing homosexual men entering seminaries