Sunday, May 19, 2024

AZ: Danger Zone for Americans

At one time, Arizona was a nice place for retirement or a winter vacay for Americans.

Now?  It's a danger zone if you support Trump.

President Trump’s election lawyer, John Eastman, was arrested in Phoenix on Friday on conspiracy, fraud, forgery, and other felony charges related to the 2020 Trump alternate electors plan, even though he had ZERO communication with the Arizona electors!...

You vill comply, schweinhund!

Yes, of course, the 'charges' are bullshit.  

Eastman may be only the first.

...Last month, a state grand jury in Arizona indicted the alternate electors, GOP state legislators, former Arizona GOP chairwoman Kelli Ward, and others in the 2020 election.

Eighteen people were indicted by the Democrats....

Rumor has it that the Arizona state government (and several county and city governments) are owned lock-stock-barrel by the drug and sex-trafficking cartels.  That would explain the over-the-top reaction by Arizona corrupt-o-crats; a Trump re-election would make it more difficult to do business, ya'know.

Anyhow, don't visit that 3rd-world s**thole while wearing Trump gearYou might never escape back to freedom.


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