Sunday, May 12, 2024

Fed Judge Slaps the Slimebag

There are certain lawyers who are such slimebags that other lawyers don't want to acknowledge their existence.  In a story about a Wisconsin Fed Judge slapping the shit-eating grin off the face of Marc Elias, we learn more about him--and why he's becoming a pariah to the legitimate bar.

...Elias['] ...record includes allegations of lying to reporters and subverting voters.

Elias featured prominently in the filings of Special Counsel John Durham. It was Elias who made the key funding available to Fusion GPS, which in turn enlisted Steele to produce his now discredited dossier on Trump and his campaign.

During the campaign, reporters did ask about the possible connection to the campaign, but Clinton campaign officials denied any involvement. Weeks after the election, journalists discovered that the Clinton campaign hid payments for the Steele dossier as “legal fees” among the $5.6 million paid to Perkins Coie....

Perkins Coie expelled this oozing pustule a couple of years ago.  There's a reason for that.

 ...John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee were ultimately sanctioned by the FEC over the handling of the funding of the dossier through his prior firm.

The Democratic National Committee reportedly later cut ties with Elias.

Elias has been sanctioned in past litigation....

By the way, this is VERY relevant in Wisconsin, although it appears that the matter is settled--temporarily:

... Elias was back in the news in another major defeat in Maryland. He filed in support of an abusive gerrymandering of the election districts that a court found violated not only violated Maryland law but the state constitution’s equal protection, free speech and free elections clauses. The court found that the map pushed by Elias “subverts the will of those governed.”...

You get one guess as to who filed the suit against the US Supreme Court-endorsed redistricting which was valid until a couple of months ago. 

And you get one guess as to which lawfirm Josh Kaul came from.

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