Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Another Jay Weber Problem

 On today's show Jay Weber told us that 'EV's made in China could be made for only $12,000.00'

Yes, they could.  And that would be a problem for Detroit.

But it's irrelevant.

What Jay apparently does not know is that Biden's ban on importing EV's from China does NOT include the EV's which will be made by Chinese firms in MexicoSo the Chinese EV's will be imported anyway.

The reason that's not widely-known?

...BlackRock investment firm writes the regulatory and economic policy for Joe Biden’s administration. That’s the quid-pro-quo that maintains the Biden political financial operation. All of DC know it. No one does not know. The ones who claim they do not know about it are all pretending. Republicans take the background BlackRock bribes and pretend.

BlackRock positioned massive investment assets inside Chinese auto manufacturers, MG, BYD, and Chery. The three Chinese companies are in the process of moving North American auto manufacturing to Mexico, specifically to make EVs. The Chinese EVs made in Mexico will come into the U.S market tariff free under the USMCA trade agreement. China and BlackRock will make billions....

 Maybe Jay should consider reading something other than the WSJ and BlackRock press releases before he runs his yap.

But that would require him to actually do some work.  That's a problem.

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