Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bribing the Doctors To Vaxx Their "Patients"

Looks like Anthem/Blue Cross had a plan!!  At the top end of "performance," a doc could knock down about $250,000.00.  That buys several nice cruises, right?

Anthem was certainly NOT the only insurer to bribe doctors.  Was your insurer doing the bribe, too?


Anonymous said...

Blood Money!!! They are on the Highway to hell!!!

Good times!

Green Beret-Turned-Wall St Banker Drops Dead of Vax-Induced Heart Failure at 35

...A Bank of America investment banker has dropped dead from Covid mRNA vaccine side effects at just 35 years old, according to reports.
Leo Lukenas III was a Green Beret-turned Wall Street banker.
His sudden death was revealed by his family in posts on social media....

Anonymous said...

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Email Showing Company Provided ‘Separate’ Covid Shots for Employees

.......A Pfizer whistleblower has just leaked an internal email to the public to show that the pharmaceutical company provided employees with Covid shots that were “separate and distinct” from the injections that were rolled out for the general population.

The email suggests that high-level Pfizer employees were offered Covid shots from a batch that was reserved for a chosen few.

These doses were somehow different from the injections given to the general public........

Anonymous said...

As recently as 2019, Aaron Rodgers was exclusively known for being one of the world’s best football players. He was beloved.

But that’s no longer the case. In the past few years, the star quarterback has morphed into one of America’s most polarizing figures and one of the corporate media's favorite attack targets. And it all started, unsurprisingly, when he questioned the COVID vax.

Rather than bowing to cancel culture and disappearing from our national conversation, Rodgers has become more influential since drawing the establishment’s ire, and he has plenty to say that they don’t want you to hear.

Anonymous said...

Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

Japan’s most senior cancer expert is now sounding the alarm on the mRNA injections.

Doctors are suddenly seeing turbo cancer that was unheard of before.

He highlighted the fact that countries that most aggressively pushed the COVID shot, such as Israel, saw the highest rates of death and infection, as shown by studies comparing Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arranged a special deal with Pfizer to use Israelis as lab rats in a national injection program with the Pfizer Covid “vaccine.”