Sunday, October 17, 2021

"High-Class Problem"? No. OUR Problem

Instapundit calls attention to this item at The Spectator.


...Twenty years ago, American politicians sold globalization to their voters by promising that Brazil would become like us. Today, we are becoming like Brazil: a low-trust society with apparently insurmountable differences of class and race, in which the rich live in private spaces defended by a militarized police force, and politics has deteriorated into a theatrical....

Yah.  And 20 years ago Bush the Dumber (following China-Boy Clinton) was telling us that globalization would make Red China become like us.

Instead, we are like Red China with less abortions, and--for the time being--no slave labor.  (Ever stop to think what 8% annual inflation does to your "Pay" check?)

But the rich and the politicians (when there's a difference) live in private spaces defended by a militarized police force, and politics has deteriorated into a theatrical.......

Check, check, and check.

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