Friday, July 05, 2024

Trump "Joke" v. Biden "Joke"

You've heard that Trump wants to be a "dictator", right?

That line, as Trump explained later, was meant to highlight Trump's Day One priorities:  drill for oil and gas, and closing the border.  Politifact has the dialog.  But Trump being Trump, he made Hannity badger him about it.

So Trump will "dictate" closing the border and drilling for oil and gas.

As to Sponge-Brain-Shits-Pants' "joke"........well, the context was made clear immediately!

...In response to a question about his health from Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, the 81-year-old said that all was fine with him except for his “brain.”

“It’s just my brain,” Biden told Green, which at least one governor took as a serious comment that left them confused, the NYT reported. At least three others in the room apparently said they interpreted the comment as a joke.

“He was clearly making a joke,” Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chair, told the NYT, adding that he said “all kidding aside” after the comment....


And maybe this is the first time Biden told the truth in the last 50 years or so.

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