Friday, July 05, 2024

The "Contributor Class" Function Is......?

Politico offers analysis on the Biden problem.

...Meanwhile, deep-pocketed donors are starting to organize to push Biden out of the race in what NYT’s Ken Vogel, Teddy Schleifer and Lauren Hirsch call “a remarkable and growing rift between the party’s contributor class and its standard-bearer that could have an impact on down-ballot races.”

Some donors are trying to raise what’s essentially a $100-million escrow fund that will be used to bankroll a Biden replacement, the trio scooped. Others are threatening not to give to Democrats until their party leader steps aside, including an heir to the Disney fortune, ABIGAIL DISNEY, who told the Times the Biden campaign and groups that support him “will not receive another dime from me until they bite the bullet and replace Biden at the top of the ticket.”...

So, as Belling suggested early this week, who actually "nominates" the Democrat candidate?  The "contributing class" or the primary voters?  Even though many (most?) Democrat voters have fallen out of love with Biden, don't they get a say in a replacement?

Yes, that "contributor class" thing affects both sides.  It's reported that one donor offered Trump $100 million.  We can assume that that donor has a few ideas about how things should be done in the Middle East.  Are her ideas consonant with those of the typical Trump voter?


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