Monday, July 15, 2024

Proud Christian Nationalist Here!

Let's begin with a definition:

...“Christian nationalism” largely means people who have decided “enough is enough,” stopped pretending that America’s culture and history are not primarily the products of a Judeao-Christian ethic and culture, and refuse to do a religious striptease to enter what Richard John Neuhaus called “the naked public square” as the price of participation in civil life....

Got that?  Good.

The essay goes on to point out that beginning with the Warren Court, SCOTUS has issued multiple decisions mangling the First Amendment into a "freedom FROM religion" mode.  The Roberts Court has begun to dismantle that, which resulted in the Hair-On-Fire Harpies (male and female) inventing the term 'Christian Nationalist' which is obviously designed to recall a certain Austrian maniac who took power in Germany during the last century. 

...The “Christian nationalists” in that viewpoint are the folks who “cling to guns and religion” and their Bibles. They are the folks who would “turn back the clock” to “intolerant times” when we acknowledged where our culture came from....

The author of that essay, John Grondelski, makes an assertion which desperately cries out for further definition:

...when one considers how other religious traditions have found expression in their cultural contexts, we should be honest enough to admit that the Judaeo-Christian impulse that shaped our culture also supported the idea of freedom of conscience....

That said, the essay is long overdue. 

ADDED:  Then there are these..........folks......who are stirring the Race Pot.  Surprised??


Anonymous said...

I'm Proud Christian Nationalist Here As Well!
Out with Judaeo-Christian impulse
In with " Christian Nationalist!

Now certain folks can stop giving me crap

Dad29 said...

If you're willing to eradicate the Ten Commandments, I'm willing to eradicate "Judaeo" from that compound adjective.

Anonymous said...

No I’m not willing to get rid of the 10 commandments….. we would be monsters without the 10 commandments

Now I’m all for burning the talmud ….

….Trial of the Talmud (French: procès du Talmud), took place in 1240 at the court of King Louis IX of France….

Seriously now….. I’m ordering booksto read and I want to discuss later