Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Suspicious Minds

Caught in a trap, can't walk out......and I don't believe a word they say.

Wauck and I share suspicions.

...Almost as soon as we learned that Trump lived, which means within an hour at most, probably less, we were told that our (un)trusty Intel Community had learned of an Iranian plot to kill Trump. Wow! It’s almost as if that utterly implausible bit of gaslighting was all set and ready to be deployed, and so it was let loose, even after Trump survived. Because you never know. The whole thing is more than a bit reminiscent of the old Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) wheeze that the Anglo-Zionists used to lie us into a catastrophic war across the Middle East and Central Asia....

Yes, that was very fast, that "finding" that Iran is gunning for Trump.  Something that the CIA didn't know before Saturday?


Next thing you know, the FEEBS will "discover" Farsi-syntaxed messages to that 20-year-old chipmunk, telling him exactly which Dangerous Sloped Roof he should low-crawl up, along with instructions on using a laser range-finder and building a few IED's to mask his hoped-for escape.

Wauck connects this Suddenly Discovered Iranian Plot to an upcoming visit from Netanyahu.

That would be ridiculous.  Eastasia Iran was always our enemy.

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