Monday, July 29, 2024

The Stench of "Prosecutor" Kamala

Oh, yah.  You KNEW there'd be something like this out there.

...Kamala Harris, while serving as California‘s Attorney General, dropped a fraud investigation into the health supplement company Herbalife after a large political donation from Heather Podesta, a powerful Democrat lobbyist—and member of the Podesta family—tied to the company. The Herbalife case and Harris‘s relationship with the Podesta family have renewed questions regarding her so-called commitment to the ‘care economy’ and standing up to corrupt corporate interests....

The allegations, from Hispanic communities, were that Herbalife was a multi-level marketing scheme.

 ...However, just three weeks after Harris received the letter from her prosecutors, her nascent U.S. Senate campaign received three contributions from Heather Podesta, according to The Huffington PostAt the time, Podesta worked as a government affairs staffer for Herbalife—and would later serve as an independent contract lobbyist for the company....

Yes, THAT Podesta family.  The one with the pizza problem...

...Even while other state attorneys general launched their inquiries into the supplement company, including a federal FBI investigation that kicked off in 2014, Harris slow-walked California‘s investigation....

Wouldn't want to upset that apple-cart, especially when the apples are falling into your campaign accounts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zmirak: The Case Against Kammy

.....I challenge each of you readers, both as Christians and citizens to force yourself to sit through the following clip of beige lady “influencers” explaining to people — slowly, using small words, as if they were addressing a bunch of slow-witted children — why they are solemnly obligated to uncritically support Kamala Harris for president because of her skin pigment and reproductive organs....

Go see Video of Zoom Call at link:

....This "Karens for Kamala" Zoom call is my nightmare fuel.
Freddy Krueger can't compete against Sharon from Human Resources trying to save America......

Go to Link for Nightmare: