Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sharpe "Family" Not Very "Family" at All

A man armed with two large knives threatened the life of another man.  Police officers saw the confrontation, recognized that a life was at stake, ordered the knife-man to drop the weapons.

When he did NOT follow that order, he was fatally shot by the police.

The local "news" hypes up the event, apparently hoping for a riot or two.

...Israel described his brother as a generous man who loved animals and people.

"I'm not saying this just because you're here. Sam was kind to everyone. He would give his last dollar. I've seen him take his shirt off his back and give it to someone else," Israel said....

He was a generous man who loved animals and people.

And he was homeless.

Gee.  His 'family' couldn't find a spare room for him?  Not even a cot in a basement?


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