Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How the Next Election Fraud Will Work

If you're fool enough to believe that the D Party will quit the fraud schemes, there's nothing we can do for you.  But for anyone who understands the Party of Totalitarianism (Democrats) here's the methodology.

...Any state or federal system that links a physical identity to the secretary of state voter rolls is good.  Any system, like the USPS postal change of address system, that would remove physical identities from the state voter rolls is not useful.  The goal is to maximize the number of systems that generate registration, that eventually generates ballots.

Beyond the Driver’s License/State ID issue (motor-voter), it’s everything.  Sign up for public assistance, get registered to vote.  Sign up for state benefits, get registered to vote. Sign up for a state id, get registered to vote. Sign up for state college, get registered to vote. Sign up for a grant, get registered to vote. Sign up for unemployment, get registered to vote. Sign up for any state system and get registered to vote.  Get married, change names, change addresses, etc, that’s how the voter rolls expand and that’s the origin of how the ballot printing database is assembled.  From there the distribution of ballots transfers to logistics....

Send out ballots to all those names at all those addresses.  They'll be picked up--blank--by operatives, then filled out and placed in drop-boxes.

SECONDARY BENEFIT:  In the US, due to an inane Court ruling, illegals are counted in the Census.  Population determines the number of Representatives in Congress, right?  So stuffing California and New York with more illegals will result in more Ultra-Left votes in Congress.

Back to ballot harvesting/vote stuffing/election fraud:

 ...Downstream from this ballot creation process, that’s where you find the “ballot submission assistance” programs.  This is where the local community networks, regional activist groups and widespread community organizers come into play.  Instead of advertising or the previous electioneering systems around candidate promotion and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts, the majority of donations to the DNC are now used in the ballot assistance programs.

Collect ballots (harvesting), then combine them with the ballots assembled for scanning (Clyburn team) in the key districts.

The key districts, the destination for the pallets of extra ballots, are run by Democrats in regions dominated by Democrat residents....


Republicans scream for volunteers to "watch the polls."  Good luck with that; you can't see what's going on when truckloads of ballots are brought in behind you through the "central count" garage doors, and you certainly cannot see what's on those thumb drives.

Let's all thank the Republican leggies and Governors who enabled absentee voting and early voting and drop-boxes.

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