Monday, July 15, 2024

AP: Wrong on the Facts, Again

You cannot hate the press enough.  (See below post, too!)  You can tell they're lying by the fact that their fingers are typing or their lips are moving.

In the midst of a quasi-"fact check" from Ass. Press we find this:

...The Secret Service on Sunday pushed back on claims circulating on social media that Trump's campaign had asked for greater security before Saturday's rally and was told no.

"This is absolutely false," agency spokesman Anthony Guglielmi wrote Sunday on X. "In fact, we added protective resources & technology & capabilities as part of the increased campaign travel tempo."...

Oh, really?

Dan Bongino, who has no reason to lie about it, used to work for USSS.  He still has a bunch of contacts there.  And Bongino--on Fox News--unequivocally stated that he has multiple inside sources who state that USSS has often asked for greater security.  (Go to 7:00 ffd.)

Now let's look at how Ass. Press lies:  they report on "Trump's campaign" asking for additional help.  In fact, it was USSS personnel assigned to Trump who asked for it, too.  But Ass. Press 'forgot' about that for their lie.

And what Ass. Press item would be complete without blaming Trump?

...Trump's own incendiary words have been criticized in the past for encouraging violence. His lies about the 2020 election and his call for supporters to "fight like hell" preceded the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which led to his second impeachment on charges of incitement of insurrection....

It's tiresome to remind people that Trump's entirely valid questions and criticisms of the "integrity" of the '20 have never been totally disproved.  The Big Lie was also deceptively phrased, stating that 'courts have dismissed' such charges.  Yes--and all that means is that there were no trials on the facts.

Then there's the little game they run:  "Yes, but.....[insert shiny object here]"

  ...some Republicans blamed Biden for the shooting, arguing that sustained criticisms of Trump as a threat to democracy have created a toxic environment. They pointed in particular to a comment Biden made to donors on July 8, saying, "It's time to put Trump in the bullseye."

Ware said that comment from Biden was "violent rhetoric" that is "raising the stakes," especially when combined with Biden's existential words about the election. But he said it was important not to make conclusions about the shooter's motive until we know more information. Biden's remarks were part of a broader approach to turn scrutiny on Trump, with no explicit call to violence....

The shooter's motive is secondary to the Biden statement, and to his continuous mouth-farting about "existential threat," "end of our democracy," "dictator," etc.; all of which is blatantly un-true.  To this, Ass. Press will riposte the Trump "FIGHT" fist, of course.

Frankly, we don't believe Biden was being literal with his "bullseye" any more than the insane bulls**t from CBS (and others) over Sara Palin's "target Giffords".  But isn't it interesting that Palin's remark generated a month of Hair-On-Fire whereas Biden's drew almost zero coverage until after someone did put a bullseye on Trump's head?

Yah.  You cannot hate the press enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The shooter has ben told for half his life that Trump is literally Hitler, and all of his life hearing that Republicans are tyrants. He saw himself as a hero for trying to eliminate a dictator.