Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Biden's Lawless Gender-Bender of *Bostock*

Seems that the Biden Administration loves them some lawless.  Their totes-un-Constitutional appointment of Jack Smith leads that parade, but it's closely followed by their Title IX bathroom policy where girls must undress in front of boys.

...President Biden’s inaugural directive culminated in the issuance of the new regulations under Title IX. Litigation over the regulations centers principally on their redefinition of sex to include “gender identity,” which will have the effect of forcing boys and girls to share school bathrooms, locker rooms, and lodging on overnight field trips. 

The Biden administration’s new regulations badly misconstrue Bostock. The court made clear that its decision applied to Title VII only, and it expressly declined to predetermine whether Bostock would “sweep beyond Title VII” to affect any other law prohibiting sex discrimination. Furthermore, the court assumed that the term sex in Title VII referred only to biological distinctions between males and females. Nowhere did Bostock redefine the term to include “gender identity” or “transgender status.”  ...

(Reminder:  Tammy Baldwin is completely on board with this crapola or she would have loudly objected to it.)

 ...Congress relied on separate sources of constitutional authority when it enacted the two statutes. While Title VII is framed as a general, outright prohibition, Title IX allows an institution to receive federal funding if it promises not to discriminate based on sex. The latter authority is more limited and requires that Congress not impose new conditions on its agreement to provide funding. For over 50 years, schools had been given no clue that by accepting federal funds, they would someday be required to discard the common, public understanding of sex. ...

There is plenty more at the link.  

How much more damage can Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants do before January?

Stay tuned.  There will be a "National Emergency" or two.

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