Friday, March 15, 2024

"Improving the Economy," Part 10,553

Our Betters tell us that illegal immigrants "improve the economy."

Michael Watson, Mississippi's Republican Secretary of State, has launched a significant challenge against the Department of Justice (DOJ), asserting that federal efforts to expand voting access are improperly enrolling illegal immigrants and incarcerated felons as voters improving the economy. This accusation comes in the wake of actions taken to comply with President Biden's Executive Order 14019, which was introduced as a measure to counter racial discrimination in voting access.

Watson's concerns, detailed in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, allege that the DOJ, under the guise of enhancing electoral participation, is effectively subverting Mississippi's electoral integrity. According to Watson, the U.S. Marshals Service is amending agreements with correctional facilities to introduce voter registration and mail-in voting facilitation for inmates, a move Watson deems fraught with risks of registering ineligible voters....quoted at AOSHQ

They did NOT say that illegal immigrants will improve the Democrat Party's economy, but the US Marshal Service will make certain of that!

Catholic Charities remains silent on the matter.

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