Sunday, December 04, 2022

Trump, Another Charles VI?

We've been patient through Trump's ranting about the '20 Election Fraud.  After all, it was fraudulent here in Wisconsin and the other "swing" States such as Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona.  It was 'fraud by other means'--that is, illicit ballot-harvesting was the vehicle, not Chicago-style brute theft.

So he had a legitimate gripe.

But, like Charles VI of France, he's apparently escalated to a Mad King level.  PowerLine isn't the only outlet to report this.

Too bad.

So now the question:  which 'next man up' will continue the quest to reclaim America for actual Americans--the ones growing the crops, assembling the cars, running Main Street shops?

Or will the GWB/Entitled Class install their own puppet--again?

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