Saturday, November 19, 2022

Two Moms and Their Sons

Certain mothers are incapable of rational thinking.  They raised their sons in an irrational environment and look what we got.

There's Dawn Woods, mother of Darrell Brooks (who will die in Waupun).

...FOX6's Mary Stoker Smith: "Do you think he knew what he was doing driving through that parade route?"

"I don’t think … I don’t even … I don’t believe from what I’ve known and seen that Darrell was even in his right mind, that Darrell was even conscious of what he was doing because I don’t, whenever he goes into that explosiveness, he can’t stop," said Woods. "He can’t control. He doesn't even know what he’s doing."...

Woods:  'Whatever we do, do NOT blame the perpetrator'.

Then there's Sam Bankman-Fried's mom!

... Why exactly are we trying so hard to make the world safe for blame? What have we gained and what have we lost in the effort? And is there an alternative?...

Fried:  'Let's dump "blame" altogether!!'

In both cases, way too much "Mommy".  

In both cases, there were consequences.

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