Sunday, November 27, 2022

Putin Tightens the Screws Again

The yammer-flammer about 'Russian retreat' is a bit premature.

...The recent Russian pull-back of troops clearly indicated a broad shift in tactics, and the one thing that the Kremlin avoided for several months seemed like the next most logical step - Full spectrum strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure.  

Initially, Ukraine's media spin suggested that the precision strikes were "ineffective", with western news outlets showing only a handful of images of craters in streets and some scarred apartment buildings.  There were limited admissions of damage to the power and water grids, but Ukraine claimed that these systems would be back and functional within days.  This did not happen.

Not surprisingly, Ukraine suffered far more damage to their utilities than the government and media let on.  Later estimates ranged from 60% to 80% of the nation's grid destroyed or unusable and the latest satellite photos of active lights at night support this....

Very good satellite images at the link.  It's DARK in Ukraine.

Next, we'll hear about how MEAN and NASTY this tactic is.


 ...No doubt the media will portray this as a cold weather holocaust, though, elimination of infrastructure is usually the first measure of a large scale attack.  It is standard operating procedure for the US military, for example. ...

Yah, well....

Putin is demonstrating the real meaning of FAAFO. 

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