Sunday, May 01, 2022

Biden Judge Nominee vs. Milwaukee Citizens

BidenšŸ¤” continues his track record of nominating anti-Americans to Fed judiciary!

Someone named Choudhury is now at the Senate, making a fool of herself when Sen. Kennedy points out her blatantly false statements about cops shooting blacks.

Turns out she had a hand in a Milwaukee 'settlement,' too.

When she was at the ACLU (Anti-Christian Libertine Union) as Deputy Director, Racial Justice.

Oooooohhhh!  Wow!!!

...the city of Milwaukee has entered into a settlement agreement to end practices amounting to a decade-long stop-and-frisk program that resulted in hundreds of thousands of baseless stops as well as racial and ethnic profiling of Black and Latino people citywide....

"Hundreds of thousands of baseless stops....."

No doubt that's absolutely true.  /sarc 

That was in 2018.  Crime in Milwaukee has sharply decreased since Choudhury's "solution" was implemented, no?


*For more on the topic of Federal (and ACLU) interference in local policing, see this essay.*

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