Friday, December 31, 2021

War by Other Means

There's a lot of speculatin' going on here.

A drastic lockdown is shutting down semiconductor production in the Chinese city of Xian, where China acknowledges a mere total of 1000 cases (not hospitalizations or deaths) during the current outbreak in a city with a population of 13 million...

The author of the post advances a few theories, among them that PRC is not admitting the real number of cases, or that the hospitalization/fatalities are far more than PRC admits.

I vote for 'war by other means.'  China cannot take away fuel nor food from the US--we produce too much.  But they can take away another very significant piece of the economy if they starve us of chips.

You can thank the Globaloney Presidents (Clinton, Bush, Bush, and Obama) and their running-dog lackeys in industry.  

Or is it that the running-dog lackeys are Clinton, Bush, Bush, and Obama?

You decide.

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