Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Scott Walker's "Shiny Object" Gambit

You may have heard that Scott Walker, the former Governor of Wisconsin, has endorsed a proposal to zero out the Wisconsin income tax in favor of a sales tax.

Sounds good, no?

Along comes an ex-Secretary of Revenue who says that the sales tax required might be as high as 11%.

Sounds bad, no?

Frankly, Walker is playing the "shiny object" game and you are falling for it.

We've said this for decades on this blog:  IT'S THE SPENDING, STUPID!!  And to the degree you are debating this 'tax'/'no tax' idea, you ARE stupid.

Wisconsin's State spending, particularly on the ever-increasing State payroll and on the giant sucking SE corner's schools, will always require MO TAXES  MO TAXES  MO TAXES.

So the trick is to distract you rubes by yapping about how they will collect MO TAXES MO TAXES MO TAXES.

And it works!

Hint:  2000 actual State spend:  $20Bn.   2020 actual State spend:  $60Bn

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