Monday, December 20, 2021

Milwaukee Values Continue!!

Tom Barrett will leave Milwaukee with more than 191 homicides this year.  But his 'values' will continue!!

 "We had a very violent weekend in Milwaukee," said Common Council President Cavalier Johnson. 

Johnson will take over when Barrett departs.  He's already signaled that things will continue as-is.

..."We've had generational poverty and generational poverty will yield to generational violence," he said. "You've got too many, especially young men of color, who think that once they reach a certain age, they're supposed to be expired."

Johnson says the city needs to improve violence prevention, education and gun control....

Of course!!  Poverty causes crime!!  Guns cause crime!!  That's science, you know.

And Johnson cannot (and will not) do one damn thing about 'education,' which is controlled by the Democrat Party, which is his support-base. 

The only surprise here is that Johnson didn't blame the State for not sending more money.

But he'll get around to that.


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