Friday, January 03, 2020

Li'l Ronny Howard Asks for Comparisons

News item.

Ron Howard slammed President Trump on Wednesday as a ‘self-serving, dishonest, morally bankrupt egomaniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his fame and bank account.’...

Oh.  I see.

Compared to..........ahhhh..........whom, exactly?  The OTHER candidate in 2016?  The one who turned over and went back to sleep on Behghazi?  The one with the "charitable" Foundation?

The one after whom the term "Clintoncide" was created?

THAT self-serving, dishonest, morally bankrupt egomaniac who didn't care about anything or anyone aside from HER fame and bank account?

C'mon Ronnie.  You can man up and say it with us.....

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