Wednesday, July 03, 2024

+Listecki *Hearts* Chicago Crook. Why?

 Really, Your Excellency?

...Edward Burke, 80, was sentenced June 24 to two years in prison, after he was convicted on 13 counts of racketeering, bribery, and extortion — in charges that the longtime alderman lined up public funds for companies which paid off his law firm, shook down public contractors to do business with his firm, accepted a bribe for a federal program contract, and threatened the Chicago Field Museum with opposing a fee increase measure when it failed to help him place a son’s friend in an internship.

Prosecutors, calling Burke “greedy,” and insisting that he had not shown “a single ounce of remorse,” initially asked federal judge Virginia Kendall to sentence the politician to 10 years in federal prison....

Those are the crimes that were easy to prove.  There were a lot more.

So what does +Listecki have to say?

 ...Archbishop Listecki, who wrote that Burke was “a man dedicated to the common good” with a commitment to “charitable generosity.”

Listecki, who served as a Chicago auxiliary bishop from 2001 until 2004, wrote that he had got to know Burke “when I was a priest and auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago.”

“He and his family were always involved with various charities and supportive of the many civic events,” the archbishop wrote in a March 25 letter.

“I was always impressed by his families [sic] involvement in the Church both locally and nationally,” Listecki added, in a letter he called a “plea for leniency.”...

Excellency, this cretin effectively stole money from contractors and Chicago taxpayers.  You call that being "dedicated to the common good"? 

Or are you playing games by indirectly trying to justify Catholic Charities' abuse of Catholic moneys to import criminals, sex traffickers, human slavery traffickers, rapists, thugs, and thieves by whitewashing the activity as "social justice" and "common good"?

Inquiring minds, and all that, Excellency.

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