Friday, January 20, 2023

Jason Whitlock Throws Down HARD

There is some zit-on-an-elephant's-ass named Zirin who is a sports commentator.

He disapproves of Tony Dungy's participation in the March for Life and is doing what he can to get Dungy fired from his NBC gig.

 I’m done with Tony Dungy and the way the NFL and NBC coddle his right wing extremism.

Jason Whitlock, another commentator, thinks Dungy is right--and hurled a few lightning bolts at Zirin.

“Massa Zirin is very upset Tony Dungy won’t adopt massa’s politics,” Whitlock wrote. “Massa Zirin is upset a black man would support a March for Life event. Massa prefers the slaughter of babies, particularly black ones, in the womb. Massa wants Dungy fired. Massa love dead & unemployed negroes....

About damn time for a two-fisted response!  Thanks, Jason!!!

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