Friday, December 02, 2022

This Is the Clash of Civilizations

Wauck--as usual--comes up with a most provocative column, suggesting that what we're seeing now is a Clash of Civilizations as foretold by Samuel Huntington.

On the one hand, we have the West, now a "civilization" of nihilism run by a Pelagian managerial elite determined to eradicate morality and realism both in the West and worldwide and substitute their own laws for those of God.*

On the other hand, there are (largely) intact civilizations in both China and Russia, as well  as in other regions worldwide.

Caught in the middle, so to speak, are the remnant Western Civ Christians who understand the Pelagian/Nihilist push and seem powerless to do anything about it, and who have no interest whatever in imposing that crap on others, either.

Is that too grand a schematic?  We're finding out, amirite?

*As we pointed out earlier about Pelagianism in America:

 ...A secular society, devoid of a transcendental horizon, consigning sin to the “unknowable theological,” and having imbibed a Rousseauean confidence in inevitable human “progress,” is essentially Pelagian. It believes the myth that it can repair evil and, by following that myth, arguably launches its own vicious cycle of injury. Woke cancellation and historical revisionism are Promethean ploys to undo what was....


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