Sunday, September 25, 2022

Cooperated With FBI. Now He's Sorry

Long story short:  a pro-life office was attacked and vandalized in New York State.  The manager of the office turned over the surveillance video to the FBI so that the criminals could be prosecuted.

Well, that was stupid.  Bai-Den's FBI/Do"Justice" aren't prosecuting anyone.

And it gets worse!

...Harden has asked the FBI and local law enforcement for access to the footage, but they only showed him still images taken from the video.

After months of no action being taken against the attack’s perpetrators, Harden filed a lawsuit asking a judge to order law enforcement to turn over the footage, Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported.

“Time is of the essence to commence a civil litigation because the longer time goes by the more likely it will be that those responsible for the firebombing will spoliate other evidence,” the complaint reads....

 ...The surveillance footage reportedly shows “multiple perpetrators,” clear figures, and license plates that Harden said would make identification of the perpetrators possible....

Yes, Harden should have made a copy before handing it to the scumbag FBI.

But he was operating under the old model, where the FBI was an ally of Americans.

That's a model that's in the trash can.  The FBI put it there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“You fucked up! You trusted us!” - Bluto Blutarsky