Monday, April 18, 2022

"Gun Murder" Lying? Yup.

Codrea reads the numbers and here they are.

...On that note, admit there is no epidemic of gun violence and that all 23,000 current laws are totally ineffective. The United States’ 1931 population was 124 million, and we had 11,160 murders and manslaughters, 7,533 committed with firearms.  The United States’ 2019 population was 328 million, and we had 13,927 homicides, 10,258 via firearms.

So…Over the course of 90 years, we increased population by 204 million, citizens built or purchased over 250,000,000 additional firearms, yet America experienced only 2,725 more homicides by use of guns in 2019 than we did in 1931.

Per population growth alone, much less Gun purchases, we should expect around 28,000 murders.--quoted at The Captain's place

To be fair, emergency-medicine has advanced quite a bit in those years.  On the other hand, gang-bangers' accuracy has never been worse.  It' probably a wash.

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