Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

 Van Dyck, HT:  AOSHQ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THE SACRED PARASCEVE: Good Friday Meditation from Viganò

Good Friday, 15 April 2022

Astiterunt reges terræ, et principes convenerunt in unum, adversus Dominum, et adversus Christum ejus (Ps 2 :2). The kings of the earth and the princes have allied themselves against the Lord and against Christ. The Psalm which begins the First Nocturn of Matins on this day declaims succinctly. Let us break their bonds ; let us cast away their yoke from us ! Is this not what we have been seeing happening right before our eyes for a long, too long, a time ? Do not the powerful and the elite want to cancel every tie with God and rebel against His holy Law ? Do they not seek to disfigure the image of the Creator in the creature and the likeness of the Holy Trinity in man ? And how many times are we ourselves tempted to withdraw from the sweet yoke of Christ, ending by making ourselves slaves of the world, the flesh, and the devil?.....

(Read more at link)