Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Thought of President Putin

This documentary was made several years ago (2016) and is about an hour long.  It's worth your time to watch all of it, but if you want to cut to the core, start at minute 49 or so.  Stone makes an ass of himself with aggressive statement-questions which are clearly designed to rile up Putin.

It doesn't work, at all.

It's embedded at Wauck's place.  If  you see a 'subscribe' request, click on 'let me try it first.'

Putin should not have gone into Ukraine with military force.  But on the other hand, US Presidents since Barky have pinned Every Evil On Earth on "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!!!"  His position?  Certainly not the one portrayed by the Democrat regimes here.

Trump understood Putin very well.

The Democrats choose NOT to understand him--nor Russia.  So who--exactly--is 'making war'?

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