Saturday, September 15, 2018

That Dallas Cop-Shoot? Ugly

Y'all know that a female Dallas PD officer shot and killed her upstairs neighbor.

And then she lied-by-omission about a very important detail:  motive.

Of course, the DPD "searched" the apartment of the dead guy (it was Murder One, not 'manslaughter') and announced to the world that they had "found marijuana."  Well, maybe.  And maybe the DPD placed it where they could find it.

The DPD should have just owned it.  She was PO'd at the guy because he had the gall to get out of bed earlier than she did; she pounded on the door, and when he answered, bang-bang.

She's what you call a "bad hire," just like the drunk that the Milwaukee cop shop hired.  Fire 'em, put them in slammer, move on.

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