Thursday, June 07, 2018

"Hot Sex": Planned Parenthood Ads to Little Girls

Planned Parenthood Baby-Murder, Inc., must be running short of their cash-flow goals now that Donald Trump has cut back their ration of tax money.  So they drum up business the old-fashioned way:  advertising to little girls on Facebook.

...At LifeWay Social, Chris Martin writes that he used the database to uncover a pair of ads in which the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is promoting a petition against abstinence education. One features a picture of a condom on a banana, while the other declares that “Sex is hot - bad sex ed is not.”...

...“Whatever you think about sex, sexual education, or Planned Parenthood, you should take notice at the audience receiving these ads,” Martin says. “Planned Parenthood is using Facebook ads to tell middle and high school students that ‘sex is hot.’”...

This is what the Democrat Party--Tammy Baldwin, specifically--supports.  And by the way--you're still paying for a big chunk of that, too.

Thanks, Tammy!! 


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