Sunday, April 02, 2017

CIA or NSC Dirtball Is....?

(Below we inquire about an FBI dirtball.  Here we inquire about another dirtball--an Obama-appointed dirtball, by the way.)

It is now perfectly clear that the Obama Administration was spying on Trump for quite a long time.  It is also perfectly clear that the Obama Administration released the names of a lot of Trump associates in complete and total violation of US criminal law.

It is also perfectly clear that the MFM, after getting off their knees and wiping their chins, published the names--for the benefit of Hillary and her consigliere Obama.

What's also perfectly clear--here at the blog-lo-dyte level?

There will be no prosecutions, no prison terms, and no interruption of Federal paychecks and pensions to any of the parties involved.

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