Wednesday, July 22, 2009

WI Supremes Endorse Discrimination?

An interesting ruling from SCOWI.

The state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday the Catholic Diocese of La Crosse was exempt from state work place discrimination laws in firing an Onalaska elementary school teacher in 2002.

In a 4-3 decision, the court said religious schools have a constitutional right to hire and fire employees to carry out their missions, and that includes many teachers. The decision dismisses an age discrimination complaint filed by Wendy Ostlund, who claimed after almost three decades at St. Patrick’s Elementary School in Onalaska she lost her job during a downsizing because she was 53.

All I know, of course, is what I read in the papers. Based ONLY on the facts as outlined there, it would seem that SCOWI just annulled 'age discrimination' for non-public-school employees, which is ........ummmmhhhh.......surprising.

The Diocese of LaCrosse maintains that this is NOT an 'age' issue. If this were a matter of dissenting from Catholic doctrine, then I would be very comfortable with the decision. If it is a matter of Ms. Ostlund refusing to perform duties, I'm comfortable with it.

But that's not what the newspaper says. Hmmmmm.

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