Sunday, September 01, 2024

Told Ya! Trump = LBJ Democrat

Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll!

Trump completes the trifecta with his endorsement of dope-smoking in Florida.  Previously, he announced that his Administration will force taxpayers (or their insurers) to pay for In Vitro Fertilization/IVF (a horrifically expensive way to murder multiple children).

Trump also likes to spend a helluvalot of money and put it on the tab.

Under LBJ, the Democrat Party tacitly or openly endorsed licentiousness, guns-and-butter spending/bonding, and 'personal amounts' of drugs.  That's the era during which Trump "came up" and it's the era which he fondly remembers.  At that time, America manufactured almost everything it consumed and accelerated the shedding of traditional mores; Trump is comfortable with that, in general terms.

The CIA/Military-Industrial Complex was far more open about making America into an empire (see VietNam and the ramp-up of aggressive anti-Russian efforts in Europe) for the sake of its industrial producers and petroleum consumers.  While Trump makes a lot of anti-war noises, he failed to control his Pentagon and CIA, and never made even a small dent in the number of US Armed Forces bases around the world (now about 800!).

Of course there are differences between Trump and LBJ Democrats.  But on the big issues like personal moral responsibility, budget excess, and Imperial ambitions?

He's another LBJ.

But that beats a brain-dead side-piece Marxist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Degrees of Suck

Now we are the suckers.....