Friday, September 13, 2024

War Before Election Day (?)

 We've mentioned the possibility before, so it's not a shock here.

   ... I had a very interesting exchange of emails with Ray McGovern yesterday in which he insisted that Mr Putin is not going to react in a dramatic way or in a manner that could cause a further escalation before November 5th. On reflection I think Ray is right. What we have been saying among ourselves--that the Americans are trying to bait the Russians to get them to do something drastic and dire that would justify an American counterattack of devastating nature against Russia before the elections or that would effectively have a war going before the elections to make sure that Kamala gets over the top and wins. I think the Russians have equally capable analysts who are saying the same thing and for that very reason will not carry out their attack on the United States or in Western Europe before November 5th....Wauck quoting Gil Doctorow
The history is that America very rarely changes Government during a war.  So allowing the Grifter-Dictator of Ukraine to fire US-made long-range missiles into--say--Moscow,  using US-provided satellite guidance and US-provided training.......well.......that should get Putin all fired up, right?

OTOH, Putin--no slouch at chess--wants to do nothing at all until Kammy is defeated on 11/5, figuring that Trump will put an end to the Ukraine slaughter (and NATO, thank God!!!) on the day he takes office.

Of course, that will happen only if the Blob--the Deep State--doesn't manage to kill him first.

But there is an alternative:  cut and run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun on Antony Blinken visiting Poland today:

"Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don't want you here. We don't want Polish people paying and dying for your wars."