Friday, September 20, 2024

The CIA and FBI Connex To 9/11

Ain't it wonderful to have the CIA on our somebody's side?

...Families of 9/11 victims argued in a 71-page brief filed on May 7 that al-Bayoumi operated under the directions of the Saudi Kingdom. Along with “casing” the Capitol, he served as the handler for al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar.

Additionally, new evidence in recent years has suggested that not only was al-Bayoumi a Saudi agent; he was also an asset of the CIA. That information has been coming from the proceedings against 9/11 defendants at Guantanamo Bay....

Well, that's interesting--and only a mild surprise.  

But surely the FBI is better, right?  


 ...An FBI informant who shared his home with two of the 9/11 hijackers has been accused in civil court of being “co-opted” by Saudi Arabian intelligence to help carry out the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks....

Yet they persist.

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