Monday, September 16, 2024

About Routh and His Benefactor(s)

The guy seems to be a can or two short of a six-pack.  And he has a most interesting history in Ukraine.

...In March of 2022, just a month into the Russian invasion, he tweeted that everyone around the globe should be willing to volunteer and "fight and die" in Ukraine. Still, much of his time was reportedly spent in a hotel room in the far western city of Lviv.

Among the more bizarre aspects to his campaigning on behalf of the Ukrainian military's foreign legion were his efforts to recruit US-trained Afghan special soldiers to go to Ukraine's front lines. The initiative appeared so large in scale (given Routh was seeking to transfer hundreds, or even thousands, of Afghan fighters - according to his words) - that one commentator questions in light of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump: "Who was he working with in the US government that was allowing him to do this?"...

Which is the very same question I had this morning.

Sean Davis dangles some very interesting names:

There needs to be a full investigation of all the Washington officials and reporters the second would-be Trump assassin has interacted with over the last four years, including Malcom Nance, the entire Vindman clan, and everyone associated with the Helsinki Commission.

This thing absolutely reeks of CIA.  And the CIA has a crap-ton to lose if Trump is elected and RFKjr. is in the Administration.

The guy is a failed roofing contractor, yet he travels to Ukraine and lives in a hotel for several months, spending money to recruit a foreign brigade.  Whose money?  The guy lives in a VERY expensive State, travels to Florida--on whose money?--and happens to know that Trump, on the 'spur of the moment', will be golfing.  It's not on Trump's calendar.......

That's before we get to the Azov Brigade connection, which placed him on the radar of CIA and/or Military Intel, and likely the FBI on his return to the US.  Some say that the CIA is a 'silent partner' of Azov.

Lotsa questions there.

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