Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Lasting Wisdom of H. L. Mencken

In an essay about the Old Right, Mencken is quoted.  Although his remark is about FDR's New (Socialist/Statist) Deal, it proves to be perennial in its wisdom:

...It was opposition to FDR’s New Deal that brought much of the Old Right together. As their sharpest wit, H.L. Mencken, put it: “The New Deal began, like the Salvation Army, by promising to save humanity. It ended, again like the Salvation Army, by running flophouses and disturbing the peace.”...

Yes.  That's the Harris/Biden regime, too.  But under Harris/Biden, "disturbing the peace" includes murders, deadly drug running, and child sex-trafficking.

We do not think that's "Progress."


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