Friday, September 20, 2024

"Do-Nothing Tammy's" Deceptions

 It's not news that Tammy Baldwin is a lesbian, nor is it news that her "partner" is a Morgan Stanley 'wealth advisor.'

For that matter, it's not news that Tammy lies like Hell about her record in Congress.  She lies when she advertises that 'her bill' required the Government to purchase US-made iron and steel.  It was Donald Trump's executive order that accomplished that; Tammy's bill never even got through the Senate.  She claims to have 'pushed' a "strong" immigration bill, but that bill would allow 35,000 illegals/year into the country.  She claims to have "pushed through" an anti-fentanyl bill; in reality, the bill is toothless and there were 67 other co-sponsors.  (But it did send a boatload of taxpayer dollars to Kiev, ya'know.) 

She also does the trickery-and-deceit dance about 'her bill' requiring Congressional spouses to 'divest' or 'blind-trust' any investments owned--because she wants you to think it will make Tammy 'clean.'


...A new bill to ban senators and their spouses from buying individual stocks that Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) touts in a new ad wouldn’t apply to Baldwin’s partner because the couple is not married, Daniel Lippman reports....

Tammy's partner has a lot of insider info, so they do very well together: 2021 the couple bought a $1.3 million home together in Washington, splitting the cost of the property...

That "partner" has never disclosed 'assets' nor net worth.  Why?  Because Tammy won't require it.

 ...While Andrew Mamo, a campaign spokesperson for the Baldwin campaign explained to the outlet that Baldwin “follows all ethics guidelines when it comes to her financial disclosure reports,” Brisbane has not appeared on Baldwin’s Financial Disclosure Reports, though the couple has been together since 2018...

Twelve years of her do-nothing, deceptive, "partnered" reign is enough.  If we wanted "Do-Nothing," we could have elected Nobody.  Tammy's got enough money now--with her "partner."  

P.S.Don't look for coverage on this in the mediaTammy wrote the book on avoiding interviews (and probably sold it to Kamala.)

Great look here!

 Sen. Tammy Baldwin repays taxpayer-funded November 2020 NYC trip to see ...

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