Friday, September 20, 2024

The Greed of Government Employees...

Tantalizing little footnote here:

...Yesterday the 218th member signed on to force a vote on the Social Security Fairness Act, a bill that would eliminate provisions that reduce benefits for some retirees receiving government pensions. It’s a win for Reps. GARRET GRAVES (R-La.) and ABIGAIL SPANBERGER (D-Va.), but it's a costly one: The CBO recently estimated it would add $195 billion to the deficit over the coming decade....

 Spanberger is ex-CIA, so she has more than a passing interest.

Some people chose Government careers with excellent benefits and even more excellent pension plans.  It is also argued--by compensation experts--that Government employees are, by and large, paid far more than private-sector employees for the same work.

Now they want even more Social Security benefits, too?

Greed begins at GS-1, I guess.

Note who else loves this.  Apparently this applies to locals, too.  The ones with the "20-and-out" retirement and the disability plans that don't actually require a real disability.


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