Saturday, March 18, 2023

Bice Backs Off on No-Jail Janet

The essay that Bice was going to write on No-Jail Janet Protasiewicz?

Let's just say that it doesn't have sharp elbows.

But since part of it was written by Local Pravda's most prolific Lefty apologist, Molly Beck, there is a thinly-veiled jab at Janet in the brief section on her "marriage" to retired County Judge Patrick Madden:

...The [Madden] children said the pair lived a very active life while dating and during the marriage, traveling around the world, going whitewater rafting, riding roller coasters and attending blues concerts. They said their father told them that he didn't always enjoy all this activity....

Molly don't like gold-diggers.

Surprisingly, Bice seems to approve of husband-beaters; no mention of Janet's "mean drunk" crimes appear in Pravda's story.

Overall, the piece tells us that even the Hard Left Press does not like Protasiewicz.  That should tell you something.

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