Tuesday, November 01, 2022

The Warmongers' Plan??

The Warmonger Party in Congress (that is, the Democrats plus McConnell and Ron Johnson) have a plan.

...A diesel supplier has warned businesses on the US East Coast and the Southeast that there may be a shortage for a few days after Russia cut off imports. 

Mansfield Energy, the supplier, led by CEO Michael Mansfield, issued the advisory in a bid to make sure that companies are prepared.

Businesses which rely on the fuel have been told to take steps to plan for the potential lack of supply which is mostly caused by Russia cutting off imports. 

This means that businesses are not receiving the high number of petroleum products that they were before the invasion of Ukraine

It has had an impact on refineries as they have had to shift production from gasoline to make some diesel. This means that they may run low on gasoline. 

The diesel shortage is also caused by high distallate (heating oil and diesel) demand, refinery maintenance and lower refinery capacity......

Friggin' GENIUS!!  Starve the East Coast of diesel, which is necessary for every.  damn.  thing.  being moved from place to place!  No more groceries, consumer goods, car carriers, snowplowing, landscaping, fire trucks, ambulances ......nothing!

You will eat bugs and like it.  You will freeze to death in winter and like it.  You will not leave your home and like it.

What a plan, eh??

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