Sunday, October 30, 2022

Extra-Special Added Weird in Pelosi Case

So we are to believe that the Speaker of the House's house was totes un-guarded and a guy clad only in underwear entered, grabbing a hammer from the resident and attacking him after the resident had called the cops who responded to a 'wellness call' and the cops were let into the mansion by an un-named third party to find the resident seriously injured by a hammer.  The resident spoke "in code" calling the attacker's name to the cops and referring to him as 'a friend.'

AND that the attacker was a right-wing vote-fraud conspiracy theorist Christian Nationalist while at the same time being a nude-activist dope-smoking wife-beater currently living in a 'hippie compound.'

AND that he ran websites with conservative content!!!

Well...............on further review...........maybe he didn't really have those websites which went up on Friday and came down on Saturday, see.

But the rest is all true and we know that Trump is behind this because vote-fraud Christian Nationalist!

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