Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Live in Wauwatosa? Send This to Your Mayor

 There IS a way to stop the yelling, screaming, traffic-blocking, jackwaddery.

...there was an officer-involved shooting death in Lancaster, Pennsylvania Sunday that occurred after a knife-wielding 27-year-old Ricardo Munoz charged at a Lancaster city police officer, according to bodycam footage.

Violent rioters took to the streets not long after word spread on social media of the deadly encounter. Fires were started, bricks were thrown at a local police station, and fireworks were randomly set off. 

...police responded accordingly with rubber bullets and tear gas, forcefully pushing rioters back. 8 agitators were arrested in the overnight hours between Sunday night and Monday morning....

...Monday night, however, was a much different story according to local reports and others on the scene, and that was largely thanks to a combination of “proactive policing” from law enforcement and actions from local officials that effectively deterred another night of violence...

And what was this "action from local officials"?


*poof*.......no more yelling, screaming, traffic-blocking, window smashing jackwaddery. 

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