Monday, April 06, 2020

You'll Never Read This in the MSM

This essay is a bit involved, but the author (ex-Naval Intel) is informed and assembles the pieces very well. 

Let's amalgamate the ChiCom wealthy oligarchy, a bio-weapons lab, disappearing Chinese researchers, a large French pharma company, a soupcon of Soros, and Red China's current geo-political position.

Toss in some bats and the ChiCom interest in transforming bat viruses into super-viruses.

Add the year 2015, when everyone and their sister expected Hillary to be elected President of the US, thus continuing a kissy-huggy relationship with the most murderous regime of the 20th/21st Century.

Did the election of Trump and his AMERICA FIRST philosophy which led to a beat-down of Red China's economy...........ahhh...........trigger the release of a bio-weapon?

The essayist does not say so.  Is it "co-incidence"?  The author doesn't say so.

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